Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Evaluation Q.1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Title of The Film
Our title is shown in the middle ‘Rosses are red’. This selected title is the in fact the name of our film, We have used a red paint and we painted it over the mirror. We really liked this because we added a special effect like its typing on a mirror by it self, we also used this effect in our film production. This idea came from research and personal preference.

The setting for our movie is shown in the middle of our movie few and the last minutes. It is shown in the first and last pictures. It is shot at long shot allowing the location to be revealed. The fact that our setting is inside our character room and outside the house area and in the morning relates to the stereotypical genre we have been aiming for.

The first walking shot and the second sock shot shown when the girl is shot a long distance walking from the camera and the second shot shows the costume editor its represents costume choice with in our film. Our actor is clothed in a school uniform a black top, black skirt, black tights, jacket on top, socks and normal shoes. Also in the morning when she wakes up she wears a pyjamas. The main choice for this costume was inspiration from the romantic comedy films. I found her costume to be effective, because its bright and shows that she is a clumsy girl and it doesn’t really bother her what to wear.

  • Camera work and editing
The screen shot representing our camera work/editing is the shot of the girl walking toward the door, the camera shows only her feet moving. This is shot using a hand held technique. We chose to use this technique as it proved to be more effective as the camera wasn’t still as she was walking fast, which is effective as it shows the camera following walking.

One of the still shots below shows font we have chosen. We tried to keep it simple and easy to read as if we had tried to make it look nice and bright and with an interesting writing. Simple texts with an interesting editing of colours and curves seem to be the most effective as they leave little trail as to where the storyline will lead.

Story/ Narrative
The screen shot representing our story/narrative is the final shot of the teenage girl walking out and she has her skirt stuck up. Its started with a normal morning. In the first 2 shots shows that the girl is clumsy doesn’t want to wake up. By going around her room with a camera shows that she is an art person that she has a best friend boy. Also that she is not seen by everyone. In the last shot we wanted to give the movie a contrast and that this movie will have some funny scenes so we decided to make her skirt stuck up. However by props you can see a lot and find out about girl because all the props more artistic and drew by our selfs.

The shot below shows our genre. It does this through the bright writing and pink colours. It manages to focus on the writing and you can see it clear. Everything within our film we have tried to keep to a stereotypical genre, such as the location, costume, actors and so on.

The screen shot of the girl shot at mid shot represents our costume choice. We chose this style of costume as through research of other movies with our genre in mind we found it to be the most effective and most complimentary to what we had aimed for.

Special FX
The screen shot showing our use of special FX is the shot of the title of our film production ‘Rubia Production’. This shot has been created by an editing technique where we took pictures and put all them together and added it into our video. We chose to do it because it shows her artistic work and we did in her art book.

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