Tuesday, 17 January 2012

No.18- Story arc

Story Arc

· The film opens with our protagonist – Maya- getting ready for her day at school in her room. Over this sequence her clumsiness is revealed and we learn a bit about ‘the life of Maya’ through her voiceover and are introduced to other characters in the play through photos that are stuck up around her room.

· Maya leaves the house and walks to school meeting Harold (the boy she fancies from another school) on her travels but in her fluster she embarrasses herself in front of him however he overlooks this and surprises her by taking an interest and they exchange numbers.

· This sets Maya on a high for her day at school where we learn about an art competition which she is entering

· Maya then spends her afternoon after school sitting in the flowershop where her best friend, Paul, works and she tells him about Harold.

· We then see a development of the relationship which grows between Maya and Harold which runs parallel to the build up to the art competition as Maya develops her entry – happy and inspired by her new relationship but neglecting to spend very much time with Paul. But we also get the feeling and hear rumours that Harold is seeing someone else in his school.

· As Valentine’s Day approaches Harold goes to the florist (where Paul works) and orders two bunches of flowers with notes for two different girls in each, all the while oblivious to the fact that Paul is friends with Maya. Paul realizes what Harold is doing and phones Maya to warn her that he is not trustworthy but, of course, Maya doesn’t believe it and it causes an argument with Paul.

· However what he had said played on her mind and she decided to surprise Harold meeting him at his school. This is when she sees him openly kissing another girl.

· Maya takes out her upset on her artwork and ends up ruining it completely when she is so close to the competition date.

· She then goes to Paul to apologise and after a slight hesitation from Paul rather than starting another argument saying that she should have listened which is expected from the build-up in the pause he suddenly leans in and kisses her. And she doesn’t pull away. He then reveals an idea for her art competition entry that he had been working on that she would be able to do and submit. Resulting in a Happy Ending

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